Special Feature

The Process for Liquidating a Company

Under the Commercial Companies Law, the liquidation of a company can be triggered by a number of cases stipulated in article 40 of the law. This blog post will highlight the steps required under the Commercial Companies Law to commence and complete the liquidation of a company.

Special Feature

Why Do Companies Liquidate?

Liquidation is a process by which a company ends its life and distributes its assets to those it owes money to in an orderly manner. Legal procedures must be taken when a company goes into liquidation, starting with the reason for liquidation. In this blog, we will explore the grounds for liquidating a company as stipulated under article 40 of the Commercial Companies Law.

Special Feature

Five Duties of the Legal Advisor of an SAOG

SAOGs play an important role in the Omani economy, so it is not surprising that the Financial Services Authority (FSA) has issued unique regulations that apply to the operations of such companies, including specific rules on the duties of the board of directors, the internal auditor, and the legal advisor of the company. This blog post will highlight some of the duties of a legal advisor of an SAOG as prescribed by the Public Joint Stock Companies Regulation.

Special Feature

Forms of Procurement under the Tender Law

The Tender Law is extremely important to any company wishing to sell its goods and services to the government as this law sets the forms of procurement that government entities are required to follow when purchasing any goods or services. Governments around the world have similar laws to ensure fairness and transparency in government purchasing by publicly requesting bids, and to ensure that the government obtains goods and services at the most optimum price through a formal evaluation process. This blog post will explore the five methods of procurement available to government entities under the Tender Law.

Special Feature

Five Rights Guaranteed by the Omani Constitution

Royal Decree 6/2021 promulgated the Basic Statute of the State i.e. the constitution of Oman. This most recent version of the constitution was promulgated one year after Sultan Haitham’s ascension to the throne and created a legal framework that reaffirms the provisions in the previous constitution, in addition to establishing some key reforms. This blog will highlight five of the most important fundamental rights guaranteed by the constitution.

Special Feature

Five Duties of The Sultan under Oman’s Constitution

The Omani Constitution, formally known as the Basic Statute of the State, sets the key provisions governing the Omani legal system, including the rules and duties of the Sultan, ministers, councils and many more, including the judicial authority.

Special Feature

Third Anniversary of Oman’s Constitution: 3 Key Provisions Introduced by Sultan Haitham

Today marks the fourth anniversary of the ascension of Sultan Haitham to the throne, and also marks the third anniversary of the promulgation of the Basic Statute of the State, i.e. the constitution of Oman. The very first Omani constitution was promulgated by the late Sultan Qaboos in 1996, which was amended only once in 2011. Sultan Haitham issued a new constitution exactly one year after his ascension to the throne, which largely retained the structure and content of the previous constitution, but with some key changes. As today marks the third anniversary of this constitution, this post will highlight three of its most important new provisions.

Special Feature

Omani Law Predictions for 2024

Last year was a big year for Omani legislation with the promulgation of several key laws such as the Labour Law, the Social Protection Law, and the Maritime Law. We expect the year 2024 to have major legislative developments that are similar, if not greater, than those that came out in 2023. This post will highlight some of our predictions for this year.

Special Feature

Royal Decrees of 2023: The Year in Review

The year 2023 had some of the biggest legal developments in Oman in recent years, with the promulgation of many critical laws such as the Labour Law, the Social Protection Law, the Maritime Law, and many more. This blog post provides an overview of the most significant royal decrees that came out this year.

Special Feature

New Omani Labour Law: 5 Employee Rights and 5 Employer Rights

The long-awaited Omani Labour Law that came out last month makes substantial changes to the relationship between employees and employers, and it will take everyone a period of time to fully appreciate the changes introduced by this critical piece of Omani legislation. In this blog post, we will shed light on 5 of the most significant benefits that both employees and employers have under this new Labour Law.