Intel Update

Intel Update: December 2024

Decree Intel is a database of original Omani legal research material that provides explanatory notesoverviews of government entities, and summaries of Supreme Court cases and MJLA Fatwas.

Case Summary: Supreme Court (Civil Circuit) 293/2016 (Characteristics of Adhesion Contracts): In a dispute between a bank and a corporate client, the Supreme Court held that the standard terms and conditions of the contract signed between a bank and this corporate client do not fulfil the characteristics of an adhesion contract, and therefore these terms and conditions cannot be set aside on this ground.

Case Summary: Supreme Court (Civil Circuit) 64/2016 (Objection to Court Jurisdiction Over Dispute Subject to Arbitration Clause): In a contractual dispute over rent payments, the Supreme Court held that the Court of Appeal in Sohar cannot, at its own initiative, set aside the judgment of the Primary Court in Suwaiq on the basis that the court has no jurisdiction due to the existence of an arbitration clause in the contract if none of the parties to the dispute raised this as a defence.

The Ministry of Information: This is the entity responsible for disseminating information about the Sultanate of Oman and regulating media in the country.

The Ministry of Economy: This is the entity responsible for formulating the macro-economic policy of the state, approving the annual development budget of the government, and approving projects for the five-year plans of the government.

Intel Update

Intel Update: November 2024

Decree Intel is a database of original Omani legal research material that provides explanatory notesoverviews of government entities, and summaries of Supreme Court cases and MJLA Fatwas.

Intel Update

Intel Update: September 2024

Decree Intel is a database of original Omani legal research material that provides explanatory notesoverviews of government entities, and summaries of Supreme Court cases and MJLA Fatwas.

New Content

Small and Medium Enterprises Development Authority: The Small and Medium Enterprises Development Authority (الهيئة العامة لتنمية المؤسسات الصغيرة والمتوسطة) is the entity responsible for promoting and supporting the growth of small and medium-sized enterprises as well as craft industries.

Overview of Alternative Dispute Resolution: This document provides an overview of the key legislation relating to alternative dispute resolution in Oman. 

Case Summary: Supreme Court (Criminal Circuit): Contestation 210/2017 (Reliability of Translation Used in Trial): The Supreme Court held that the issue of the reliability of a translation accepted by the Court of Appeal in the procedures of the trial is a substantive matter that cannot be contested before the Supreme Court.

Case Summary: Supreme Court (Labour Circuit) Contestation: 210/2017 (Consequences of Delaying Employee Disciplinary Measure): The Supreme Court held that the failure of the employer to impose a disciplinary punishment against an employee after the expiry of the deadlines stipulated by the Labour Law rendered the action taken by the employer against the violating employee illegal.

Intel Update

Intel Update: August 2024

Decree Intel is a database of original Omani legal research material that provides explanatory notesoverviews of government entities, and summaries of Supreme Court cases and MJLA Fatwas.

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Ministry of Defence: The Ministry of Defence (وزارة الدفاع) is responsible for ensuring security, safety, stability, and peace in the Sultanate.

Ministry of Housing and Urban Planning: The Ministry of Housing and Urban Planning (وزارة الإسكان والتخطيط العمراني) is responsible for proposing public policy for housing and urban planning as well as the policy for allocating government lands. 

National Centre for Statistics and Information: The National Centre for Statistics and Information (المركز الوطني للإحصاء والمعلومات) is the official statistics office of the country and the body responsible for conducting the census.

Case Summary: Supreme Court (Commercial Circuit) Contestation 380/2016 (Invalidation of Trade Mark Registration): The Supreme Court confirmed the invalidation of a new trade mark registration due to its similarity to an existing registration. In deciding if the trade marks are similar, the Supreme Court held that one must look at the collective elements of the mark and not individual elements.

Intel Update

Intel Update: July 2024

Decree Intel is a database of original Omani legal research material that provides explanatory notesoverviews of government entities, and summaries of Supreme Court cases and MJLA Fatwas.

Intel Update

Intel Update: June 2024

Decree Intel is a database of original Omani legal research material that provides explanatory notesoverviews of government entities, and summaries of Supreme Court cases and MJLA Fatwas.

Intel Update

Intel Update: May 2024

Decree Intel is a database of original Omani legal research material that provides explanatory notesoverviews of government entities, and summaries of Supreme Court cases and MJLA Fatwas.

Intel Update

Intel Update: April 2024

Decree Intel is a database of original Omani legal research material that provides explanatory notesoverviews of government entities, and summaries of Supreme Court cases and MJLA Fatwas.

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Financial Services Authority: The Financial Services Authority (هيئة الخدمات المالية) is the government entity responsible for regulating the capital markets; insurance companies; the commodities, energy, and derivatives market; credit rating agencies; and the accounting and auditing profession.

The Ministry of Energy and Minerals: The Ministry of Energy and Minerals (وزارة الطاقة والمعادن) is the entity responsible for formulating the strategies and policies of the energy and minerals sectors, as well as developing, supervising, and regulating them.

Case Summary: Supreme Court (Labour Circuit: Contestation) 548/2017 (Failure to Terminate a Definite Period Contract): The Supreme Court held that the failure of the employer to terminate a definite period employment contract before its expiry transformed the contract into a new indefinite period contract.

Fatwa Summary: MJLA Fatwa 212744737 (Oman Housing Bank VAT Exemption): The Ministry of Justice and Legal Affairs (MJLA) held that the Oman Housing Bank, a government-owned enterprise under the Oman Investment Authority, is exempt from value added tax (VAT).

Intel Update

Intel Update: March 2024

Decree Intel is a database of original Omani legal research material that provides explanatory notesoverviews of government entities, and summaries of Supreme Court cases and MJLA Fatwas.

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Case Summary: Supreme Court (Labour Circuit) 766/2017 (Calculation of Rest in Overtime Work): An employee sued his employer for compensation for unpaid overtime working hours on the basis of two extra hours plus a one-hour break. The Supreme Court held that break time is not calculated as part of unpaid overtime.

The Ministry of Interior: The Ministry of Interior (وزارة الداخلية) is the entity responsible for developing the policies relating to governorates and local affairs, maintaining public order, undertaking matters relating to the international borders of the Sultanate of Oman, governing Omani nationality, governing tribal affairs, managing all kinds of elections, overseeing municipal councils, and governing mediation and conciliation committees.

Case Summary: Supreme Court (Commercial Circuit) Contestation 137/2017 (Grounds for Setting Aside Arbitral Award): The Supreme Court refused to set aside an arbitral award on the grounds that it had defects outside the grounds identified by the Law of Arbitration in Civil and Commercial Disputes, even though these defects would have been grounds to set aside an ordinary court judgment.

Sultan Qaboos University: Sultan Qaboos University (جامعة السلطان قابوس) is the first public and largest university in Oman.

Intel Update

Intel Update: February 2024

Decree Intel is a database of original Omani legal research material that provides explanatory notesoverviews of government entities, and summaries of Supreme Court cases and MJLA Fatwas.

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Fatwa Summary: MJLA Fatwa 192721181 (SAI Confidential Emails): The Ministry of Justice and Legal Affairs (MJLA) deemed that the State Audit Institute (SAI) has a duty to release the confidential emails of a third-party held in its possession to support the defence of the government against the claims made by that third-party in an arbitration case.

Case Summary: Supreme Court (Labour Circuit) Contestation 717/2016 (Verbal Insult to Employer): An Omani employee was terminated from his job for insulting a manager in the presence of other employees. He sued his employer for unfair dismissal and demanded compensation. The Supreme Court ruled that the termination of employment was valid, emphasising that any form of assault affecting a person’s dignity is deemed grievous under article 40(8) of the Labour Law of 2003.

The Secretariat General for National Celebrations: The Secretariat General for National Celebrations (الأمانة العامة للاحتفالات الوطنية) is the entity responsible for organising national celebrations in the country.

The Ministry of Health: The Ministry of Health (وزارة الصحة) is the body responsible for developing healthcare policies as well as managing and directing the delivery of health services in the country.