Law Updates

MOL Issues New Decision for Settling Labour Law Violations

The Ministry of Labour published in this week’s Official Gazette Decision 451/2024 Determining the Rules for Settlement and Abandonment of the Lawsuit for Crimes Punishable under the Labour Law, which repeals Decision 561/2009 and creates a new framework for settling violations of the Labour Law.

Under the 2009 decision, it was required to pay half the maximum fine prescribed for a violation in order for it to be settled. The new decision reduces this amount by requiring the payment of a quarter of the maximum fine for the crime only. The old decision also had a restriction where it was not allowed to settle a violation that involved more than 10 workers or if the same violation is reported more than twice, however, the new decision removes this requirement and introduces a new requirement to pay a 1,000 Rial Omani fine in regard to violations involving multiple employees pursuant to article 143(1) of the Labour Law.

The new decision also provides a more comprehensive framework for submitting applications for settlement and provides additional details for the cases in which a non-Omani worker has to be deported.

You can read this ministerial decision in full in English on the link below:

Special Feature

The Process for Liquidating a Company

Under the Commercial Companies Law, the liquidation of a company can be triggered by a number of cases stipulated in article 40 of the law. This blog post will highlight the steps required under the Commercial Companies Law to commence and complete the liquidation of a company.

Law Updates

TRA’s New Telecom Device Regulation

The Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) published in this week’s Official Gazette Decision 1152/2/19/2024-12 Issuing the Regulation on the Governance and Approval of Telecommunications Devices, repealing the Regulation of Dealing in Telecommunications Devices of 2015.

Special Feature

Forms of Procurement under the Tender Law

The Tender Law is extremely important to any company wishing to sell its goods and services to the government as this law sets the forms of procurement that government entities are required to follow when purchasing any goods or services. Governments around the world have similar laws to ensure fairness and transparency in government purchasing by publicly requesting bids, and to ensure that the government obtains goods and services at the most optimum price through a formal evaluation process. This blog post will explore the five methods of procurement available to government entities under the Tender Law.

Law Updates

MOSD Issues Regulation for the Care of the Elderly in Foster Families

In this week’s Official Gazette, the Ministry of Social Development issued a brand new Governance Regulation for the Care of the Elderly in Foster Families.

This regulation provides the legal framework for families to submit an application to the MOSD to foster an elderly person who meets the requirements stipulated in the regulation such as being an Omani national who does not enjoy adequate family care, and is free from communicable diseases. Only families who have at least one Omani member can submit an application to foster an elderly person, and this family must prove that it has appropriate housing and is financially capable of supporting the elderly person, among other requirements stipulated in the regulation.

The Governance Regulation for the Care of the Elderly in Foster Families enters into force tomorrow. You can read it in full in English on the link below:

Special Feature

Five Rights Guaranteed by the Omani Constitution

Royal Decree 6/2021 promulgated the Basic Statute of the State i.e. the constitution of Oman. This most recent version of the constitution was promulgated one year after Sultan Haitham’s ascension to the throne and created a legal framework that reaffirms the provisions in the previous constitution, in addition to establishing some key reforms. This blog will highlight five of the most important fundamental rights guaranteed by the constitution.