Monthly Digest

Decree Monthly Digest – May 2022

Decree Monthly Digest is a summary of the most significant royal decrees and laws issued in the previous month.

Six royal decrees were issued in May and none of them related to the promulgation of any new laws. These royal decrees can be summarised as follows:

Royal Decree 24/2022 Ratifying the Agreement between the Government of the Sultanate of Oman and the Government of the United States of America concerning Employment of Spouses of Official Employees

This decree ratified a new agreement between Oman and the US that grants spouses of embassy staff of one country the right to work in the other country without the need to obtain a work visa or the need to have a sponsor. This is a unique treaty that Oman has not signed with any other country before, but it affects a very small number of people (spouses of embassy staff).

Royal Decree 25/2022 Reinstating Omani Nationality

This royal decree reinstated Omani nationality to a number of individuals in accordance with the provisions of the Omani Nationality Law.

Royal Decree 26/2022 Making Military Promotions and Appointments in the Royal Office and Royal Decree 28/2022 Making Military Promotions and Appointments in the Ministry of Defence

These two royal decrees made a variety of appointments in the Royal Office and the Ministry of Defence, including appointing the president of the newly established Strategic and Defence Studies Academy.

Royal Decree 27/2022 Establishing the Strategic and Defence Studies Academy and Promulgating Its System

This royal decree established a new government entity, and moved the National Defence College, the Joint Command and Staff College, and the Strategic and Defence Studies Centre from the Ministry of Defence to be under it. This new academy is still subordinate to the Ministry of Defence and has a board of trustees chaired by the Minister of Defence.

Royal Decree 29/2022 Ratifying the Cooperation Agreement in the Field of Maritime Transport between the Government of the Sultanate of Oman and the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran

This royal decree ratified an agreement between Oman and Iran on maritime transport and it grants shipping companies of either party the rights to national treatment and freedom of transfer of earnings, along with other rights.