
5 Key ICESCR Provisions: Implementation Efforts in Oman

The International Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights (ICESCR) is a multilateral treaty ratified by most of the United Nations (UN) member states, which lays out and aims to enforce various economic, cultural and social rights. It is one of the principal international human rights treaties. Oman’s ratification of the ICESCR, through Royal Decree 46/2020, brought the treaty into force for the Sultanate, signifying its commitment to upholding the human rights enshrined within the covenant. Since then, Oman has actively pursued implementation of the ICESCR’s principles, with “progressive realization” as a guiding framework, and focusing on key provisions including the right to work, social security, education, and adequate standard of living.


The Separation of Powers in Oman: Balancing Act or Centralised Rule?

The principle of the separation of powers is critical for maintaining the integrity of governance while fostering its efficiency. This principle, which ensures that different branches of government perform separate roles and responsibilities, prevents the concentration of power in the hands of a single authority. But how exactly does this principle operate in the Omani context? This blog post offers an overview of the separation of powers within the Omani legal system, exploring its foundations and its application.