Monthly Digest

Decree Monthly Digest – November 2023

Decree Monthly Digest is a summary of the most significant updates on Decree in the previous month.

Royal Decrees

Eleven royal decrees were issued in November, with the most significant being Royal Decree 80/2023 regarding Tax Exemption and Royal Decree 84/2023 Restructuring Oman Development Bank SAOC.

Intel Update

Intel Update: November 2023

Decree Intel is a database of original Omani legal research material that provides explanatory notesoverview of government entities, and summaries of Supreme Court cases and MJLA Fatwas.

New Content

Case Summary: Supreme Court (Commercial Circuit) Contestation 796/2016 (Insurance Duty of Disclosure): A debtor obtained a loan from a bank without disclosing that he was permanently totally disabled. The bank insured the loan after it was given. The court held that the insurer was not responsible for the repayment of the loan because the accident that caused the disability took place before the term of the policy, and the debtor was ordered to repay the loan in full with interest.

Case Summary: Supreme Court (Labour Circuit) Contestation 665/2016 (Rotational Working System): An Omani employee working on a 2-week on 2-week off rotational system sued his employer for refusing to compensate him for working during national holidays. The Supreme Court ruled that he was not entitled to compensation on the grounds that the working system of the employer, in terms of working hours and working days, was more favourable overall than the system prescribed by the Labour Law, and therefore, the failure to compensate the worker for the national day holidays is not deemed a valuation.

Overview of the Ministry of Finance: The Ministry of Finance (وزارة المالية) is the body responsible for all the financial affairs of the government, including preparing the annual budget of the state and approving major government contracts.

Overview of Oman Investment Authority: The Oman Investment Authority (جهاز الاستثمار العماني) is the sovereign wealth fund of the government of the Sultanate of Oman and is the body responsible for managing, developing, and investing certain assets of the state.

Monthly Digest

Decree Monthly Digest – October 2023

Decree Monthly Digest is a summary of the most significant updates on Decree in the previous month.

Royal Decrees

Three royal decrees were issued in October, the first two promulgating the Public Debt Law and the Tourism Law, and the third appointing new ambassadors.

Intel Update

Intel Update: October 2023

Decree Intel is a database of original Omani legal research material that provides explanatory notesoverview of government entities, and summaries of Supreme Court cases and MJLA Fatwas.

New Content

Fatwa Summary: MJLA Fatwa 212747517 (First-Sale VAT Exemption): The Ministry of Justice and Legal Affairs (MJLA) deemed that the first sale of real estate by the developer in integrated tourism complexes is not exempt from value added tax (VAT).

Overview of Laws in the IT Sector: This document provides an overview of the key Omani legislation that regulates activities in the information technology sector.

Overview of the Tax Authority: The Tax Authority (جهاز الضرائب), is the body responsible for developing and implementing the tax policy of the state.


Royal Decree Alerts and Weekly Gazette Updates on Decree Newsletter

As requested by some of our users, we are making changes to our newsletter to provide subscribers of our free newsletter with new royal decree alerts and weekly updates on the content of the Official Gazette as soon as they are available.

This change will increase the frequency at which you will receive emails from Decree. If you are happy with receiving monthly updates only and would not like to receive immediate royal decree alerts and weekly Official Gazette updates, you can configure your preferences using the links found at the bottom of any email sent by Decree.

If you have not subscribed to our free newsletter, you can do so using the button below:


Labour Law Seminar

We are delighted to invite you to a seminar on the new Labour Law generously hosted by the Ministry of Justice and Legal Affairs and delivered by Trowers & Hamlins on 25 September 2023, at the theatre of the Ministry of Justice and Legal Affairs.

This free event is open to members of the public, but registration is required on this link.


Decree Signs MOU with the Omani Lawyers Association

Decree signed last week a memorandum of understanding with the Omani Lawyers Association (OLA) to cooperate in the fields of legal awareness and access to legislation. Under this MOU, Decree will collaborate with OLA in organising legal awareness events in Arabic and English, will provide special rates for subscribing to Decree to small Omani law firms not practising in association with a foreign law firm, and will provide members of OLA the opportunity to advertise on Qanoon.

The special Decree subscription rates offered to small Omani law firms under this MOU are available until the expiry of the MOU in August 2025.