
Duties of the Council of Ministers

The Government of the Sultanate of Oman is built upon the principle of the separation of powers among the executive, legislative, and judiciary branches of government. The Council of Ministers represents the executive branch, Majlis Oman serves as the legislative body, and the Supreme Judicial Council oversees the judiciary. This blog post will explore the role of the key player in the executive branch of the government: The Council of Ministers.

Formation and Framework

The Basic Statute of the State, often referred to as the Constitution of Oman, establishes the framework for forming the Council of Ministers and specifies its duties. It outlines the conditions for appointing the Prime Minister, deputy prime ministers, and other ministers, all of whom must be appointed by royal decree. While His Majesty Sultan Haitham Bin Tarik currently serves as the Prime Minister, the Basic Statute of the State provides a mechanism to appoint another individual to fulfil this role if necessary.

Key Duties of the Council of Ministers

As stipulated in article 51 of the Basic Statute of the State, the Council of Ministers is entrusted with a wide range of responsibilities, which can be categorised into three main areas:

Legislative Duties

One of the key responsibilities of the Council of Ministers is its legislative function. The Council of Ministers submits recommendations to the Sultan on matters of concern to the state, ensuring that key issues are addressed effectively. Additionally, it proposes draft laws and royal decrees, which are then issued by His Majesty after going through Majlis Oman. These legislative functions are fundamental in shaping the legal framework and maintaining the rule of law in Oman.

Setting State Policies

Another critical area of responsibility is setting state policies. The Council determines the general objectives and policies for comprehensive development, laying the groundwork for national progress. It also establishes the necessary procedures to implement these policies, ensuring their effectiveness. Furthermore, the Council debates development plans prepared by competent authorities, presenting them to Majlis Oman for review before submitting them to the Sultan for approval. Through these efforts, the Council of Ministers ensures that the policies are aligned with the public interest and national priorities.

Oversight Duties

Equally important are the Council of Minister’s oversight duties. The Council of Ministers oversees the functioning of the administrative apparatus of the state, ensuring that its various units perform their duties efficiently and in compliance with established laws and regulations. It monitors the implementation of laws, royal decrees, regulations, decisions, treaties, agreements, and court judgments, ensuring strict adherence to them. In addition, the Council of Ministers reviews proposals from ministries in their respective areas of competence, facilitating coordination and making informed decisions. These oversight responsibilities are crucial for maintaining efficiency, accountability, and transparency across the government.

These were some of the key duties of the Council of Ministers, you can read learn more about this extremely important government body by reading the Basic State of the State.