Law Updates

TRA’s New Telecom Device Regulation

The Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) published in this week’s Official Gazette Decision 1152/2/19/2024-12 Issuing the Regulation on the Governance and Approval of Telecommunications Devices, repealing the Regulation of Dealing in Telecommunications Devices of 2015.

The new telecom devices regulation extends the scope of TRA control by introducing brand new permit requirements for manufacturing telecommunication devices, a matter that was previously unregulated under the regulation of 2015.

The new regulation also provides a much more detailed framework for customs clearance that includes a new classification for commercial, non-commercial, and temporary use clearance orders.

Another new aspect of the new regulation is the introduction of new provisions that permit applying electronic approval marks for devices that support this technology.

The regulation also introduces new administrative fines including new fines for importing telecommunication devices without a permit (1,000 Rial Omani fine) and the failure to obtain a clearance order (100 Rial Omani fine per shipment).

The new regulation enters into force in less than 30 days. You can read it in English in full on the link below: