Announcements – Decree Blog Thu, 06 Mar 2025 06:15:46 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 Announcements – Decree Blog 32 32 197035704 MSX Disclosures on Decree Risk Thu, 06 Mar 2025 05:20:12 +0000 We are announcing today the addition of Muscat Stock Exchange Disclosures to Decree Risk, which makes it possible to search for the contents of these disclosures, receive email alerts for disclosures made by companies tracked using Risk Watchlist, and subscribe to a new MSX Digest daily newsletter.

Decree Risk used to cover risk incidents relating to liquidations, capital reduction, legal form transformation, and other risk incidents announced in the Official Gazette and daily newspapers. We are expanding the scope of Decree Risk by adding details on disclosures made by companies listed on the Muscat Stock Exchange. Our database populates new disclosures within minutes of their release on the MSX and lets users search the full content of the PDF file of the disclosure, which can be extremely useful for any person doing due diligence research on a company.

Adding MSX Disclosures to Decree Risk means that you can also track these disclosures using Risk Watchlist to receive immediate email alerts for specific companies you want to monitor. We also have a new Watchlist Assistant to help you quickly track some of the most popular companies on the MSX such as Abraj, Bank Muscat, Omantel, Ooredoo, OQGN, and many more.

For those who do not need to have individual emails for each disclosure made by a company they follow, it is also possible to subscribe to a new MSX Daily Digest newsletter to see a list of all the disclosures made the day before along with any circulars or decisions published by the MSX.

Outside Decree Risk, we now also include decisions and circulars issued by Muscat Stock Exchange as part of Decree Legislation, which means that you can find items such as MSX’s Dividend Distribution Policy Guidelines for Listed Companies on Decree.

Decree Risk is available through a bundle subscription to Decree. Certain qualifying users will have it for free until the end of their current contracts.

2025: What’s Next for Decree? Wed, 01 Jan 2025 04:28:59 +0000 The year 2024 was a big year for Decree. In terms of content, Decree remains the biggest and most comprehensive database of English-translated Omani legislation ever created, and this year alone, we added more than 500 new and old legislative items to our catalogue, including essentially every single new royal decree and ministerial decision published in the Official Gazette in 2024.

Not only is our database the most comprehensive, but Decree is now unquestionably recognised by the hundreds of users paying for our service for providing the highest quality legislation translations available anywhere with an unmatched availability speed as the majority of items were uploaded to Decree within a matter of hours of the release of the Official Gazette.

Even though Decree is a paid service, the spillover benefits of our service cannot be disregarded. The success of Decree allows us to keep Qanoon a free resource of critical importance to the Omani legal system that hundreds of thousands of Omani people use to access the law. Decree’s own paid subscription is also only required to view the attachments of royal decrees, and not the royal decrees themselves, and given that 75% of royal decrees have no attachments that require translation, this means that 75% of our content is free and is in fact used by thousands of users in Oman who are not paying members of Decree.

We have set our goals on transforming the way legislation is accessed beyond Oman, and for this reason, earlier this year, we launched Qanoon Saudi and Decree Saudi. Even though it has only been a few months since we launched these two new websites, thousands of users in Saudi have already used our websites to locate Arabic and English texts of new Saudi legislation. Similar to our operation model in Oman, Qanoon Saudi will continue to remain as a free resource, while Decree Saudi will now be available through a paid subscription service starting from today.

We have also redefined the scope of what Decree offers in Oman to go beyond legislation and Intel by introducing Decree Risk, a solution we built based on the needs of our existing customer base who engage with Omani businesses and want to manage potential risks that arise from such engagements. By providing timely updates on liquidation, capital reduction, legal form transformation, and other pertinent incidents, Decree Risk has become an invaluable tool for our customers in the telecom and banking sectors who need to swiftly respond to risk incidents relating to their customers.

2025: What’s Next for Decree

Our vision for the year 2025 is to create new specific solutions by addressing specific challenges facing legal professionals in Oman beyond the need to have basic access to the law. Our first project in this area will target governance, risk, and compliance (GRC) professionals in Oman that will initially provide a curated collection of toolkits that streamline the process of complying with new Omani legislation, with a view of expanding the scope and nature of these toolkits as we develop this product in consultation with our users. Our toolkits will be developed in-house by our highly qualified team of Omani lawyers.

We have been lucky to work with some of the biggest names in the Omani legal industry to deliver public engagement activities and we are delighted to announce that DecreeCon is coming back this year on the 22nd of January with more than double the number of sessions of DecreeCon2024. If you are a member of Decree, make sure to mark your calendar to attend the biggest legal event in the country.

Thanks to Our Members

We would not be able to continue our mission without the support of our members, and we hope that we are able to continue to serve them by providing the best solutions for empowering society with legal knowledge.

Introducing: Decree Saudi Arabia Thu, 19 Sep 2024 10:35:17 +0000 We are launching today the free beta version of Decree Saudi Arabia. This version of Decree offers full-text of English-translated Saudi royal decrees, laws, ministerial decisions, and other content published in Umm Al-Qura Newspaper, i.e. the Saudi official gazette, on a weekly basis.

We are still in the early stages of building the English database of Decree Saudi Arabia, and we welcome feedback from our users regarding items from the backlog of Saudi legislation that they would like to see translated on Decree.

Similar to the Omani version of Decree, Decree Saudi Arabia is linked with Qanoon Saudi Arabia, and it is possible to use the English website to locate legislation items even if they are not translated so that the user can view the original document or use Google translate to access the document.

Decree Saudi Arabia also has its own free weekly newsletter that notifies users of the contents of new issues of Umm Al-Qura.

Please note that the login details of are NOT linked with the login details of Decree Saudi Arabia. Upon the official launch of the service, both services will be accessible using a unified access system.

Decree Saudi Arabia is available free of charge until the end of the year. It will be available as an add-on to customers.

You can stay up to date with Decree Saudi Arabia by following our Saudi LinkedIn account.

Introducing: Risk Watchlist Mon, 05 Aug 2024 03:58:47 +0000 Decree Risk has become a valuable resource for organisations dealing with large numbers of small and medium Omani enterprises, such as utility companies and banks, who need to submit liquidation claims for unpaid bills and or make an objection to the government to block a legal transformation when any of these small and medium enterprises enter into liquidation or attempt to undergo a legal transformation.

Today, we are taking Decree Risk to the next level by announcing Risk Watchlist—a tool that allows organisations to monitor future risk incidents by adding the CR number of a target company on the Risk Watchlist to receive immediate alerts when any of these target companies appear in a risk announcement.

An example of the case use of Risk Watchlist is the use by a litigation department to monitor a counterparty in a court case or an arbitration. Due to the lengthy duration of court cases and arbitrations, a troubled counterparty in a dispute may decide to liquidate halfway through a case without notifying the other party. If this other party does not submit its claims to the liquidator on time, it loses its chance to recover any money.

Decree Watchlist helps these organisations address this challenge by monitoring the CR of any company they need to track. If this company is involved in any risk incident tracked by Decree Risk, such as liquidation, capital reduction, legal form transformation, or merger, the user will receive an email alert within hours of the risk incident taking place.

Risk Watchlist uses Decree’s own database that is populated daily by monitoring the Official Gazette and all daily newspapers to report all risk announcements.

Decree Watchlist is available free for all Decree users until the end of their current contracts without any additional charges. It will be available afterwards through a bundle subscription.

Introducing: Translation Attestation Services Tue, 30 Jul 2024 04:49:03 +0000 We are delighted to announce that Decree now offers translation attestation services for Decree content through Fal Translate. Fal Translate is a boutique legal translation office registered in the Sultanate of Oman with a wealth of experience in legal translation.

This service is being offered to cater to a small number of our customers established by royal decree who provided us with feedback that they need to comply with KYC checks by providing attested versions of the royal decrees establishing them.

Even though required only by a small number of our customers, we decided to provide this service to make our offerings more comprehensive.

Please note that this service is available to all Decree customers but it only applies to Decree content and additional charges will apply.

For more information or to submit an attestation request, please click the link below:

Decree Signs MOU with Modern College of Business and Science Wed, 17 Apr 2024 04:27:53 +0000

Decree signed earlier this week a memorandum of understanding with the Modern College of Business and Science (MCBS) to cooperate in the fields of legal awareness activity, professional development programmes, community service, and other fields. MCBS staff and students are already regular attendees of Decree events, and Decree and MCBS intend to collaborate in hosting a number of joint activities that target MCBS and the wider community in collaboration with public and private sector partners.

MCBS has also recently subscribed to Decree and plans on using Decree content to inform its business operations and to supplement its legal educational materials.

Introducing: Decree Risk Sun, 14 Apr 2024 04:12:43 +0000 We are launching today Decree Risk—a brand new structured database intended to help organisations engaging with Omani businesses manage their risk by providing timely updates on liquidation, capital reduction, legal form transformation, and other risks associated with Omani companies.

Legal departments in banks, telecom and utility companies, and other organisations dealing with large numbers of Omani businesses spend a significant amount of time every week collecting and transcribing risk announcements published in the Official Gazette and daily newspapers to make sure that they lodge their claims to liquidators if one of their debtors goes into liquidation or to make sure that they make a formal objection to the Ministry of Commerce, Industry, and Investment Promotion if their debtors reduce their capital or merge with another company before they pay their debts.

Decree Risk improves the ability of such organisations to recover the money they are owed from their debtors by providing timely and accurate updates on the following risk incidents: (1) Liquidations, (2) Capital Reduction, (3) Legal Form Transformation, and (4) Mergers.

Unlike the majority of content previously published on Decree, Decree Risk is intended to be utilised in a structured machine-readable format such as CSV and Excel to allow organisations to import the data directly into their systems to verify if any of the business they engage with have gone into liquidation or are about to undertake a legal form transformation. Decree also offers Decree Risk through an API to enable organisations to integrate directly with our database and automate the use of Decree Risk data.

Decree Risk is updated on a daily basis within hours of the announcement of the risk incident.

Decree Risk is available free for all Decree users until the end of their current contracts without any additional charges, and will be available afterwards through a bundle subscription.

PDF Downloads Now Enabled on Decree Tue, 12 Mar 2024 11:15:58 +0000 We have been experimenting over the past two months with adding a standalone button to let users download the content of Decree as a pre-formatted PDF. Even though it has always been possible to download content from Decree using the Print PDF option available in most browsers, a number of users have spoken to us asking for this to be done more easily, and we are happy to finally have this feature enabled.

Qanoon always had a PDF download feature—while Decree didn’t—because the source of the text on Qanoon is a PDF published in the Official Gazette, and we offer this source PDF as a download to enable users to verify that the content they are reading on Qanoon is actually the same as the content that was published in the Official Gazette. For Decree, there is no source PDF to verify the accuracy of the content because we are the authors of the translation, and our process of creating and uploading the translation does not require the creation of a PDF file.

We have also been hesitant about offering PDFs due to the risks that they might impose to users as those who rely on PDFs might not be aware that a document has been amended or revised, not only when we revise the document to integrate new amendments, but also when we revise our translations to make them more coherent with the greater body of legislation we have on Decree.

However, we also fully understand that certain users prefer to read larger documents on paper, and we are also aware that in the normal course of the business of lawyers and legal advisors they would have to share the full-text version of a document with the person they are advising, and for this reason they need to have the legislation in an easy to share PDF format.

The PDF solution that we implemented does not require us to manually create a PDF, and instead generates one using the content already published on the website with additional metadata such as the date on which the document is downloaded, a hyperlink to the source page, and a hyperlink to any royal decrees or ministerial decisions referenced by the downloaded item. We hope that this information would encourage users to go back and verify that the item they are reading is up to date.

The PDF download feature is available to logged-in users on all Decree Legislation and Decree Intel documents, and the button is located at the end of each document.

You can test this featuring by logging into Decree and viewing any of our translated items.

2023 Wrapped! Sun, 31 Dec 2023 08:18:29 +0000 The year 2023 was an exciting year for Decree. Decree was formally incorporated, we started our commercial operations, and managed to make available in English every single royal decree and ministerial decision published in the Official Gazette in the year 2023 at a speed and quality never seen before. In fact, we do not believe that in the history of this country had the entire body of Omani legislation of a whole year been ever made available in English before by any person or organisation.

In addition to the content of the Official Gazette, we launched in 2023 Decree Intel, a database of Omani legal research material developed in-house by our team that includes explanatory notes, entity overview reports, and summaries of Supreme Court cases and MJLA fatwas; we also added a brand new section for unpublished Circulars issued by the Central Bank of Oman and the Capital Market Authority; and we re-launched our Newsletter in a brand new format.

Qanoon also had major developments in 2023 as the website had its first major redesign since its launch in 2015, we also launched a new section for MJLA fatwas, and digitised hundreds of Supreme Court cases that are now fully searchable on Qanoon.

In the area of capacity building and community engagement, we collaborated with the Ministry of Justice and Legal Affairs, Omantel, and Sultan Qaboos University to host a variety of events, including hosting the Middle East School of Internet Governance, an event that had never been hosted in Oman.

As we start the year 2024, we look forward to further serving the legal community in Oman and beyond. Stay tuned for announcements in the upcoming days on some projects planned for this year!

Royal Decree Alerts and Weekly Gazette Updates on Decree Newsletter Sun, 01 Oct 2023 06:16:02 +0000 As requested by some of our users, we are making changes to our newsletter to provide subscribers of our free newsletter with new royal decree alerts and weekly updates on the content of the Official Gazette as soon as they are available.

This change will increase the frequency at which you will receive emails from Decree. If you are happy with receiving monthly updates only and would not like to receive immediate royal decree alerts and weekly Official Gazette updates, you can configure your preferences using the links found at the bottom of any email sent by Decree.

If you have not subscribed to our free newsletter, you can do so using the button below:
