Azza Al-Abri – Decree Blog Tue, 31 Dec 2024 05:21:00 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 Azza Al-Abri – Decree Blog 32 32 197035704 Types of Passports under the Omani Passports Law Tue, 31 Dec 2024 04:47:08 +0000 The Omani passport and the Omani nationality are closely interlinked topics, but they are governed by two separate pieces of legislation: The Law of the Omani Passport and the Omani Nationality Law. A passport is a travel document given by a state, but it does not equate to nationality. In this blog post, we are going to highlight the six different kinds of passports or travel documents available in Oman and the conditions for obtaining them, which as will be illustrated below, does not always require Omani nationality.

The types of passports are determined by the Law of the Omani Passport. However, due to the fact that some types of passports are issued by the Foreign Ministry, and not the Royal Oman Police, certain provisions relating to those passports are also governed by the Law Governing the Foreign Ministry.

Ordinary Passports

The only substantive provision for obtaining an ordinary Omani passport is that the person making the application is an Omani national. Its period of validity is 10 years and it is issued by the Royal Oman Police. This is the most common type of passport that the majority of Omanis hold.

Diplomatic Passports

The diplomatic passport is the most powerful Omani passport, it is issued by the Foreign Ministry, and not the Royal Oman Police, and it is governed in detail by the Law Governing the Foreign Ministry. The law specifies categories of high-level government officials, including the prime minister, deputy prime ministers, high-ranking members of the royal family, ministers, diplomats, and other high-ranking government officials who qualify for obtaining this passport.

With the exception of high-ranking members of the royal family, the spouse and children of a holder of a diplomatic passport also qualify for obtaining a diplomatic passport.

Technically speaking, there is no legal requirement for an Omani diplomatic passport to be issued to an Omani national, so—in theory—if a non-Omani person qualifies and is appointed to a high-rank government position, that person would qualify for having a diplomatic passport.

Special Passports

Special passports are a unique category of passports that are not found in many countries around the world. In Oman, like diplomatic passports, these are issued by the Foreign Ministry and not the Royal Oman Police, and it is also governed in detail by the Law Governing the Foreign Ministry. They are primarily given to members of the royal family who do not qualify for diplomatic passports, members of the Council of Oman, undersecretaries, and other high-ranking government officials who do not qualify for diplomatic passports.

The spouse and children of a holder of a special passport also qualify—in certain cases—for a special passport.

Similar to diplomatic passports, there is no requirement for a holder of a special passport to be an Omani national, and—in theory—it can be given to non-Omanis who meet the criteria for having this passport.

Service (Mission) Passports

A service passport, formally named a mission passport in the Law of the Omani Passport, is another passport issued by the Foreign Ministry and not the Royal Oman Police, and it is also governed in detail by the Law Governing the Foreign Ministry. This passport is given to government officials on missions to represent the government in official meetings and conferences based on the recommendation of the head of the unit on which the government official works. Unlike diplomatic and special passports, the spouse and children of the holders of service passports do not qualify in any situation to hold this passport. However, similar to diplomatic passports, there is no requirement for a holder of a special passport to be an Omani national, and it can be given to non-Omanis who meet the criteria for having this passport.

Travel Documents

A travel document is a temporary passport-like travel document that is issued by the Royal Oman Police to non-Omanis who live in Oman and do not have a nationality to allow them to leave the country in certain circumstances.

Laissez Passer

A laissez passer is a temporary travel document given only to Omanis usually with the objective of allowing an Omani person who has lost his passport abroad to return home.

Objectives of Different Passports

While the objectives of a travel document and a laissez passer are obvious, the benefits of diplomatic, special, and service passports might not seem very obvious. A diplomatic passport can be understood to mean that a person enjoys a diplomatic status and therefore enjoys certain protections and immunities when traveling aboard in countries that recognise such products. However, a more practical value for all these passports is that Oman very frequently signs bilateral visa exemption agreements with other countries that specifically allow the holders of diplomatic, special, and service passports to travel to these countries without the need to obtain a visa. Examples of such countries include Switzerland, Italy, Greece, and many other countries to which an Omani person would require a visa to travel, but holders of diplomatic, special, and service passports would be able to travel on official business without the need to obtain a visa.

You can learn more about the Omani passport by reading the Law of the Omani Passport on the link below:

New Labour Decision on Temporary Transfer of Non-Omani Manpower Tue, 17 Dec 2024 04:57:36 +0000 The Ministry of Labour (MOL) published in this week’s issue of the Official Gazette a new regulatory decision that governs the temprary transfer of non-Omani manpower between private sector establishments. This is a brand new area of regulation that did not exist in the past that sets the requirements for transferring non-Omani workers and imposes obligations on the establishment the worker is transferred to along with other matters.

Under this new decision, for a transfer to be legal, the worker must consent to the transfer, the profession to which the worker is transferred must not be an Omanised profession, and the two entities involved in the transfer must comply with Omanisation percentages. There are also other requirements relating to the visa of the worker, the duration of the transfer, and the overall percentage of workers transferred between the entities involved. Other matters governed by this new decision include pay, the nature of the new position, and other general rights and obligations.

It is important to note that there is a legal requirement to register the transfer of the worker with the Ministry of Labour.

This new decision has already entered into force. You can read it in full in English on the link below:

Is the Basic Statute of the State a Constitution? Sun, 15 Dec 2024 03:42:39 +0000 A country’s constitution is the most essential legal document in a legal system for a variety of reasons: It regulates the country’s governance structure, sets the fundamental rights of individuals, and is the most supreme legal document in a country that prevails over all other laws. Therefore, it is of vast importance to identify the constitutional statutes to apply laws correctly and to fairly regulate life and society.

The Omani Basic Statute of the State was first promulgated in 1996 by Sultan Qaboos by Royal Decree 101/96, as a gift to the people of Oman. The Basic Statute of the State provided a general legal framework upon which Oman operates, establishing its status and role as a constitution in Oman. However, since it is not formally called a constitution (or a Dostour in Arabic) and was promulgated merely by royal decree, some may doubt its legal status as the constitution.

To answer this question, this post will examine the Basic Statute of the State from a number of dimensions, namely, its name, its supremacy over other documents, its content, and its entrenchment, all of which are key attributes of constitutional documents.

Name of the Basic Statute of the State

Constitutions are commonly titled as constitutions, or the Dostour in Arab countries, to clarify their legal status. Therefore, since the Basic Statute of the State is not labelled as the Omani constitution, it can be perceived as a regular law. Nonetheless, this on its own should not be the determining factor for denying the Basic Statute of the State its constitutional status as not all internationally recognised constitutions are formally named as constitutions. For example, in Germany, the constitution is called the Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany. Furthermore, the term Dostour originates from the Farsi language, not Arabic, and therefore it is not unreasonable for an Arab country to choose not to name its constitution as a Dostour and use an alternative Arabic name for it.

Supremacy of the Basic Statute of the State

A key aspect of any constitution is that it is the most supreme document of the land. Oman’s Basic Statute of the State declares itself as the supreme legal authority in Oman in article 96 which explicitly mandates that all laws, decrees, and regulations must conform to its provisions, and in article 97 which mandates that no entity can issue any form of law that contradict the Basic Statute of the State. This is also confirmed in practice as every single royal decree that was issued after the promulgation of the Basic Statute of the State starts by referencing the Basic Statute of the State as the legal basis for issuing these royal decrees.

Contents of the Basic Statute of the State

Constitutions around the world are meant to outline the governance framework by which a government operates and set the fundamental rights that are guaranteed to the people. In Oman, the Basic Statute of the State carries out this exact function. Across the different Books of the statute, the Omani framework of governance and the branches of the state and their powers have been detailed to include the Sultan, Council of Ministers, Majlis Oman, and the judiciary. Each of these bodies echoes similar functions as the three main branches of the state (the executive, the legislature, and the judiciary) found in traditional constitutional charters. Furthermore, Book Three of the Basic Statute of the State grants the people various fundamental rights such as the right to life and dignity, the right to equality and security of life, the right not to be arrested, searched, detained, or imprisoned, the right not to be subject to torture, the right to freedom of religion, the right to freedom of opinion and expression, the right to private life, and many more. These elements reflect the key elements found in other constitutions around the world.

Entrenchment of the Basic Statute of the State

Constitutions are traditionally entrenched, i.e. difficult to change, by highly demanding repeal or amendment requirements to ensure the stability of the foundations of the legal system. The Omani Basic Statute of the State appears to lack this attribute, since article 98 of the Basic Statute of the State provides that its articles can be amended the same way they were promulgated, which is merely by a royal decree without any requirements for the change to go through Majlis Oman. However, even though issuing a royal decree can be seen as an easy thing to do, history demonstrates that the Omani Basic Statute of the State is not easy to amend since it has only been amended twice since its promulgation in 1996, the first was in 2011 when the entire Arab World was going through a massive wave of change during the Arab Spring, and in 2021 after Sultan Haitham came into power. Accordingly, even though the Basic Statute of the State might appear to be capable of amendment at any time, the history of Oman demonstrates that it is rarely ever amended and only in extreme circumstances.


To conclude, even though the Basic Statute of the State is not officially labelled as the Omani constitution, it enjoys many of the attributes of formal constitutions recognised around the world, especially in regard to the supremacy and contents of the document.

Being the most important legal document in the country, I highly recommend that everyone reads the Omani Basic Statute of the State, which is available for free in English at this link:

MOCIIP New Quality Mark Regulation Mon, 02 Dec 2024 10:01:19 +0000 Yesterday, the Ministry of Commerce, Industry, and Investment Promotion published Ministerial Decision 718/2024 Issuing the Quality Mark Regulation that repeals the old Omani Quality Mark Regulation of 2011. The new regulation governs the controls for obtaining an Omani quality mark licence, sets the obligations of the licensee, and determines the quality monitoring and follow-up processes, fees, and administrative penalties.

A key change in the new regulation is that it no longer requires the application for the Omani quality mark to be an Omani entity. Furthermore, the scope to which the quality mark can be obtained has been expanded from applying only to goods to applying to services and processes as well. There is also a new provision in the regulation that gives the ministry the authority to make a requirement for certain establishments to obtain a quality mark as a pre-requisite for offering certain goods.

It is also worth noting that the new regulation also provides additional details regarding the required information for the application, and creates a two-step process for obtaining the licence involving a preliminary approval followed by a final approval that is issued after inspecting the quality management system of the applicant.

The new regulation also adopts technology by mandating that a QR code is included along with the quality mark logo and requiring that the ministry publishes the details of all products licensed through a dedicated government platform.

The new regulation enters into force next month. You can read it in full in English on the link below:
